Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Ch 4. Time slips through our fingers bringing memories.

It was slowly dawning to the young parents that having a toddler was worlds apart from having a baby. For one toddlers crawled, got into things and near tripped their parents. Another was that toddlers tended to be much more vocal about their wants and needs...and Ryu could sleep through a bomb going off in next adjoined room.  That bomb being named Libby Caldwell.

But it wasn't all bad. There was plenty of cuddling to be had from both men.

Eskimo kisses~!
"There's my big girl!"

And plenty of things to learn!

Like walking...

and talking...
 And using the potty chair

*tap tap* *tap tap tap tap* *yawn*

Which was very boring and smelly for all the parties involved. Though the peg box and xylophone were lots of fun and very noisy~!

And with the construction of the second level of their home...

Everything was in a cheerful disarray and chaos. But the clutter was a sign of things looking up for the just starting family.  They were able to afford that computer that Ryu had been begging for and the new toilet that Derrick had been demanding finally. Hell! Ryu was actually able to go to a party instead of working over time on his computer! ...Thanks to all the over time he put in on his computer and the many raises he got, not to mention the rare butterfly Derrick managed to coax to hand.

Seemed that even the town was starting to get use to the odd family. More people were starting to greet Derrick during his outings. Including one kitty girl who was enjoyably perk if not a bit scattered. There was even news of more fey-blooded people moving in.

All in all it lead to a more relaxed atmosphere in the town over all. Not that there wasn't still some rough patches. But that's what life is all, the good and the bad.
'...and feeling old'  Derrick thought as he bounced Libby on his hip watching her lean in and blow out the candles on her cake. The man set his daughter down and stood close to Ryu as the sparkles engulfed his baby girl and turned her into a child.

Sparkly! Wait...Why aren't they blue!!!?

She's got the potential to be a pink winged heart breaker...if she weren't so weird.

Author's Notes: There she is. Libby the child. Next chapter! Her washing the sink, signing up for school and after school activities. First three actions after cake...not lying. You'll also be meeting baby brother next chapter...who's already a toddler in game.

Bonus Pictures!!

Fore mentioned kitty girl. >> Nope not me...deeefinitely not me. *cough* next!

One the other fairies. Might be Libby's auntie. :P

1 comment:

  1. Very cool! I love that your neighborhood is populated with such colorful characters!!
