Sunday, July 10, 2011

Ch. 1 So maybe we aren't the normalest couple in town...

Meet Ryu. Your run of the mill Siminole-Japanese man raised near the reservations with aspirations to become a CEO of his own company. Like many other little boys he went to a nice public school, learned to read and write and add, went to scouts and martial arts, pulled pranks and played in mud then grew up into a man with an excellent work ethic, great body that he kept in shape through dedication, and who was pretty intelligent. 

(two seconds from now he'll catch the kitchen on fire.)

The only difference was his child hood friend, a small wood fairy that he found one day after getting lost during a camping trip. The tiny green being had lead him back home (boy did he feel like a video game hero that day) and decided to stick with the small boy.

On the day Ryu came home from graduation (And a graduation/birthday party) his was greeted to an unusual sight.

Seemed his birthday wish had came true...

Ryu grinned and ran over to the lithe green male and hugged him tight much to the shock of his parents.  Needless to say he never let go from there. Well...he did but, oh you understand. As the days progressed Ryu and the fairy, who decided to take up the name Derrick got ready to enter their new lives and Ryu's parents got us to the newish addition to their family, even helping the couple put together an impromptu wedding.

After the wedding the two moved to Twinbrook using the money they had gotten as a wedding gift from Ryu's parents. The two bought a small home and quickly settled in. No sooner had the two sat down from unpacking and applying for their jobs did they get guests in the form of the knack family.

 It was a rather nice little meet and greet till Nick and Pattina got a bit...loud in the bathroom. Between his rather shy husband and the rude guests Ryu got snippy and ordered the guest to leave, coaxing his lover back out to at least eat something before they both crashed for the night with bright dreams of the future.

Author notes: Right. Short chapter is short. I'm getting a hang of this Legacy blog thing. Yes. Derreck is a fairy. As in the mystical creature fairy. Mostly cause the green skin amused me greatly. His traits are Shy, Charismatic. Eco-Friendly, Green thumb, and Loves the outdoors. Fitting no?

Ryu's traits are Workaholic, Brave, Disciplined, Bookworm, and Computer whiz.

Also the misspell of Seminole is on purpose. Its a play on words like with the world locations. Hopefully things will get better.  *crosses fingers*


  1. Welcome to the challenge :) Great start.

    I notice in your warning you talk about "dark themes". I doubt that will make anyone "squick". Frankly my legacy started with a murder, and a shallow grave.

  2. Thanks. And I put up the warning just to cover bases. I've written fanfictions and learned that its just better to cover your rump (which in my case its a large rump to cover.)

    With that...I really want to read yours. *runs off to do that*

  3. Yeah mine had a serial killer in Gen 2 and the Grim Reaper murdering the boyfriend of the girl he likes. Trust me, dark stuff is par for the course here. xD (Plus I think Oregon's first pregnancy from Calisims' legacy counts as rape since her mind was being controlled. So thats pretty dark).

    But yeah, I LOVE THE FAIRY- Iiii mean Derreck. One of you guys really need to send me a list of all your mods. Especially the fairy ones.

  4. I just wanted to say I love Derreck! Very original idea, I can't wait to read more.

    And personally, I like dark themes. I find things tend to be more interesting when it's not all sunshine and rainbows.

  5. Yay!! Another colorful story to add to the mix! Welcome to the challenge, I look forward to seeing how their lives progress. =)
